Sunday 25 June 2017

Analysing Album Art: Behemoth – The Apostasy

Written for Lucifer's Catacombs
Art and music go hand-in-hand. Something I have always done before listening to an album or EP, is to look at the cover artwork and see what I am able to understand from it; understand being the key word. While this may seem a very ‘judging-a-book-by-it’s-cover’ habit, I’ve always found the key aspects of a band’s creativity is what they have chosen to represent their music in the form of the artwork. That being said, this also unlocks certain things about the music, hidden behind the face of the art. What has always fascinated me, is what I discover afterwards; how the illustrations, paintings, portraits, hand-drawn sketches, photographs, etc consolidate th various ideas and concepts of an album and perfectly depict them in visual form.
Behemoth has been one such band. Apart from being an inspiration, both as a band and it’s individual members, they have always effortlessly chosen to stray as far from the herd as possible. Not one to follow the norm at all, Behemoth has always been renowned for their unorthodox lyrical themes, style  of music and general persona, often being protested against, outside venues, they’re performing at, by religious groups. They have even been shunned and banned in a couple of countries. But this has never stopped them from doing what they do best. They do not shy away from expression and are very vocal (literally also) about their opinions, beliefs and ideologies. However, under the black and extreme metal shroud that they dawn, that is lined with non-conformist teachings and ideas, Behemoth represents more and their album covers are a fitting example to show this. The artwork on every album cover from the band needs to be observed carefully and thoroughly, for it is only this way that you will understand the music and what the band is conveying through their songs, to a greater extent. At this point, one album in particular, that I’d like to discuss is their eighth full-length record, ‘The Apostasy’ which was released in July 2007 via Regain Records.
My choosing of ‘The Apostasy’ as the first album cover (designed by Tomasz Danilowicz) to discuss, is for a few reasons. Firstly, it was the second album I heard by the band after listening to ‘Satanica’, and while my first listening experience of Behemoth was indeed one that I shall never forget, The Apostasy sealed the fact that they are indeed one of the greatest bands in existence as well as one of the most elevated. At first sight, you will instantly notice the depiction of a certain deity, with an ominous demeanour yet a powerful expression.  The seemingly specially sculpted figure is in fact, the Hindu Goddess, Kali. This is what struck me: first, an album titled Satanica with a track called Ceremony of Shiva and then an album with a title that contradicts the artwork in more ways than one. But this is where my respect for the band began to grow endlessly as did my interest in the occult, religion and extreme ideologies.The three-dimensional imagery in the form of a sculpture, to start off with, gives the art more realistic features. In addition to this, it also seems to reflect the raw, organic elements of the music itself, a strong characteristic of The Apostasy.
The name ‘Kali’ is derived from the Sanskrit word ‘kala’ which means time but also means black as she is referred to as ‘The Dark One’ given her skin complexion. While she is often misinterpreted as the Goddess of Death, in truth she portrays the fight against evil. It would not be a complete lie to make the connection between her and death as she does bring the downfall of one of the greatest evils – the human ego. She is always seen in Hindu mythology, slaying demons unlike Yama, the God of Death in Hinduism who is associated with the process of dying and the afterlife of people. Given the atmosphere of this album, she seems to be an apt choice for the cover.
The Goddess is seen adorning a garland made of human skulls, also being surrounded by the same, skulls that are strewn around her (possibly to give the visual of a cremation ground as it is said that that is where she and Shiva reside) the symbolism being the necessity for us to be unattached to our bodies – that we are beings of spirit and not flesh Hinduism, in the days of the ancient especially, believed in it being more a way of life than a religious entity itself. While this may not be true in the present day, the institution still insists on the concepts of liberation from the Self, reincarnation and Karma, detachment serving to be the pathway towards these goals. It is the victory over these that she wears her garland and human-arm skirt with pride – as trophies and evidence of liberation.
As is a wonder for many, Kali is seen her with eight arms, a common feature that depicts the powerful abilities of Hindu Gods and Goddesses A tweak in representation here however, would be her tight hold on six daggers, while she is actually, more often than not shown to have her hands in various significant mudras (gestures) or holding different kinds of weapons. The common understanding is that the weapons are symbols of Divine Knowledge, the only thing which has the ability to conquer and defy human ego, which in turn, is represented by the freshly severed Demon head in one of her other hands. It is this triump that will see us through the battle towards attaining Moksha or ‘Rebirth’. Lastly, she is also seen holding a cup which serves to collect the blood of the severed head and the evils that come with the demons she slays. Such symbolism may seem extreme initially, but at the root of it all, it is everyday life and the common beliefs of Hindus, especially those who form the Tantric sect of Shaivism (devotees of Lord Shiva).
The artwork perfectly encapsulates the chaotic and brutal brilliance of Behemoth musically but also is in perfect sync with their lyrical themes. The band maintain an addictive tempo throughout the length of the record with a sinister, raw and at times melodic style thus bringing forth the feminine side of the Goddess but also her willful, relentless and uncompromising power. Kali is a majestic entity and one that defies all odds to do what is necessary to eradicate that which is evil She seems fearsome but is fearless and actually less intimidating if you really understand her presence, something else that I connect with Behemoth, given the struggles they have experienced just to expres themselves. That which is not real is what Kali aims to remove; likewise for the Polish metallers.
Apostasy in academic terms is the formal renunciation of a set of beliefs or of religion itself by an individual, more often than not in the form of something that sits as an opposed force to the previous set of beliefs. The entitlement therefore, sparks even more interest given the depiction of a Hindu Goddess but this is where my humble opinion comes in. Behemoth opens the doors to something that is often considered taboo by common society. Religion is man-made, and it is the existence of simple things such as our own knowledge, strengths and our awareness of the world that will enable us to move forward. While they are not preaching renunciation of religion which is what they have been often misunderstood to do, they are in fact, widening the mindsets of those who will listen, to pay more attention to reality and to your spirit. Kali Ma has assisted in spreading this message through the album artwork. A lesson in philosophy and life, take what you will from ‘The Apostasy’.

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