Sunday 13 October 2019

This too shall pass.

Years pass, life bestows on you, change, and the journey continues. 

Here I am, ten years later,  after writing something that I felt at a time where my thoughts began to deepen. 

I begin again. 


"Faith in your strengths, faith in your heart.
Timeless is hope, endless is what we seek.
The power to foresee will drain the power of belief.
This too shall pass.

Majestic  appears the world  that we embrace
The elegance she possesses, a hidden secret
It all becomes clear.
Honesty can conquer fear.

The truth lies with the Creator.
Dawn of the future, a mystery
Perception of the self yet hindered by greed and lust.
Forged identities will suffer."

Poem written on 12.10.2009